Bambucorn, an equity crowdfunding platform regulated by the DFSA enables start-ups and SME's raise equity financing by issuing shares.
Absolutely, they can! However, we want to provide investors on our platform with an unabiased view from an individual who has no skin in the game (i.e. no conflict of interest).
An expert will be paid a fixed fee regardless of the result of the offering. In this way, it will be ensured that experts’ opinion is independent and is not influenced in any way by the result of the offering.
Since Bambucorn is not licensed to provide investment advice, any opinions expressed by the expert will not be construed as investment advice by potential investors. Please note that experts on the platform have been dissuaded from expressing any personal opinions, however they are free to express factual statements (i.e. statements that can be attributed to a source).
Since Bambucorn is a sector agnostic crowdfunding platform, we are looking for experts in all fields.
You can apply to Bambucorn to become an expert by sending us an email.
Please refer to the relevant sections of the Privacy and Security Policy.
Many a times, investors are unable to fully comprehend the product/service offering of issuers. By tapping into the knowledge and experience of Experts, investors are able to make their own investment decisions better.